The President’s desk April 2016

The IIZ family

We have reached the end of the 2016 first quarter. We celebrate the gift of life, and continue looking forward to better things ahead. The strategic plan of the Institute was completed, and already being implemented. We are busy searching for bigger premises as part of the strategic plan. More update on progress in future articles.

The major focus at IIZ this month is on the April 2016 exams running from 19 to 22 April. We have a new exams baby on this exam session, which is the COP Trusteeship. The Commissioner of Insurance and Pensions issued a circular calling for Trustees to be qualified at least at COP level. All practising Pension Fund Trustees and Principal Officers are required to have obtained the COP Trusteeship by 31 December 2016. New Trustees and Principal Officers must thereafter hold the COP Trusteeship within one calendar year of appointment to these critical positions.

IIZ is geared towards honouring its role in the fulfillment of that statutory provision. On Thursday, 31 March 2016, the Trustees preparing to sit for the April exams attended a Trusteeship workshop organised by IIZ at the Cresta Lodge in Harare. The workshop was well attended, and the delegates expressed satisfaction with the outcome. Another similar workshop will be organised for the October session of examinations. A call has also been made to have the workshop in Bulawayo. This will be accommodated for October.

I remain excited with interest being shown by students and the Industry at large in the activities of the Institute. My assurance is that we will not let anyone down.

To all students sitting the April 2016 exams, I say good luck and wish you all the success.

Keep blessed.

Dr. Edward Gomba