THe IIZ Digest

Volume 36
Mark the Dates:
- Sunday 10 – 13 November 2019 | IIZ Annual Conference – Elephant Hills Victoria Falls
- Friday 29 November 2019 | Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony – Meikles Hotel
Are you ready for cloud adoption?
Reaching new heights
From IIZ
Greetings everyone and welcome to yet another exciting month! August has come and gone, spring is in the air and indeed the warm temperatures too. August was a good month at IIZ, and we wish to applaud the insurance industry for the support they gave us in making the IIZ Winter School 2019 a success. The event hosted about 70 delegates, which was a huge milestone considering the harsh economic environment we are experiencing. IIZ values your invaluable support.
September sees everyone running around preparing for the October examinations which will be coming in the 1st week of October 2019. We want to urge all of you to start working hard now. Don’t forget to make use of our online registration portal for convenience.
With only 2 months to go, we are excited to be hosting the BIG IIZ Annual Conference 2019 and the closing down Annual Dinner. Preparations are now underway to ensure that 200+ likeminded people meet in a relaxed networking environment. We have a panel of exciting, quality and powerful international and local speakers lined up for you. With informative talks on topical industry issues to discuss, Victoria Falls is the place to be this November.
IIZ wishes to thank all who have subscribed to receive our monthly newsletter and all of you who make time to read it.
Our feature articles for this month will focus on:-
- Are you ready for cloud adoption?
- Reaching new heights! Continue reading and signing up for our newsletters see you again next month

Editor | Ruvimbo Vambe

“…key barriers to insurer cloud adoption have been difficulties in migrating legacy systems combined with concerns over privacy and security”
“Insurers are increasingly turning to the cloud for benefits such as cost savings, speed to market, capacity and flexibility.”

“Your success is 80% psychology and 20% fundamental.”
By:- Darcy Dague—Managing Director, Accenture Insurance
The insurance industry is not known for being a technology pioneer. Many insurers have been hesitant to new technologies, and that applies to cloud as well as others. However, much as they did with previous new technologies, it’s clear insurers see the writing on the wall. The majority realize they must adopt cloud technology to keep pace with their competitors and with customers’ wants and needs.
In the past, key barriers to insurer cloud adoption have been difficulties in migrating legacy systems combined with concerns over privacy and security. However, most insurers today know they must work to overcome these barriers and make the transition to cloud. This move is crucial to remaining competitive, especially as customer-facing applications continue to drive growth.
Where insurers stand in adopting the cloud
To understand current insurer cloud readiness and help insurers create a path toward full cloud adoption, Accenture recently published an insurer could readiness report based on a global survey of 50 insurance company executives.
The following key findings indicate insurers are ready to make cloud a regular part of their business, with a little help:
- Most insurers have embraced the cloud and are beginning their transition, but many still have quite a bit of work to do to migrate their core platforms to the cloud.
- Insurers are increasingly turning to the cloud for benefits such as cost savings, speed to market, capacity and flexibility.
- Almost all insurance executives envision a digitally transformed financial services industry over the next five years.
This is encouraging, and is supported by the following more detailed study results:
- Ninety percent of insurers have a coherent, long-term plan for technology innovation that reaches across their entire company.
- Nearly 11 percent of the average insurer’s IT budget will be earmarked for the cloud over the next three years.
- Fifty-six percent of insurers have developed and implemented a new IT operating model to support the transition to the cloud.
- Sixty-eight percent have completed formal planning and analysis of how to move legacy applications to the cloud.
Clearly, insurers are ready to adopt cloud, and are doing the planning required to help ensure a successful transition. However, it’s also clear that they could use some help when it comes to executing their cloud transformations….Join us next month on how you can boost your readiness to adopting cloud,
You can be the greatest in your industry. You can become an expert. You can become a top writer, a bestselling author, a great programmer, an awesome designer, a successful freelancer, a successful entrepreneur, or an influential person in your niche. Yes! Everything humanly possible is within your reach. If your desire is to live the life of your dreams, it is necessary to concentrate on what you want and keep working towards it. Accept that you will experience periods of time when you lose your focus and it becomes challenging to keep pursuing your goals and dreams. But, what do you need do? Create an environment that will keep you motivated to continue to work up to your potential.
Success is not a random act. People don’t rise from nothing, below are some of the tips to soaring to new heights:
- Make it count. Make every moment count. Recognize that if you are spending your time doing something, you may as well be learning as much as you can along the way. Stay fully connected to the task at hand. Immerse yourself in each activity to make the most of it.
- You want to achieve it bad enough. You have to want to succeed to actually do it to achieve it. A relentless obsession with achieving outrageous results has everything to do with your success. Tony Robbins says, “Your success is 80% psychology and 20% fundamental.” A strong desire pushes you forward and gives you the motivation, energy, and persistence to act, do things and succeed. Napoleon Hill once remarked, “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”
- Excel! Think about average versus excellence. Reflect on the difference between performing a mediocre job as opposed to an outstanding job. Which way of working makes you feel more confident about your performance? Strive for excellence in everything you do.
- Celebrate your successes. This is something that most of us do not do enough of. When you acknowledge your efforts, you will be inspired to achieve at high levels. The more you accomplish the more success you will experience. Make the most of your life by working toward your fullest potential.
Upcoming IIZ Events 2019
We are proud to be hosting yet another big, exciting and successful conference this year as registrations have started to spurt in from all corners of Africa. We are also proud to be hosting the Minister of Finance and Economic Development Honourable Professor Mthuli Ncube as our Guest of Honour. As we have been working hard on perfecting our conference, the conference promises to be bigger with 9 thought provoking sessions lined up, to be tackled by a group of 9 acclaimed speakers from around the world.
Don’t miss out on this annual event which is held to continue the fine tradition as an excellent educational, networking and social conference. The theme of the conference is “CHALLENGE RISK CULTURE. RETHINK BUSINESS MODELS. NAVIGATE UNCERTAINTY.” Be part of the 200+ delegates expected at this year’s event. Come and be part of an exciting experience, share your expertise and learn from the best.
The organizers have put together a powerful line up to promote networking at the conference.
BUSINESS MEETINGS – Register with the secretariat if you wish to be accommodated for preconference meetings and secure a designated boardroom.
GOLF TOUTNAMENT – On Sunday and Tuesday afternoon, join other delegates on the golf course for relaxed networking.
WELCOME COCKTAIL – Be part of the Welcome Cocktail on Sunday evening, hosting 100 business people.
TUESDAY GALA DINNER – Enjoy the evening’s send-off gala dinner! Be prepared for a night of entertainment.
Our event promises to be one filled with networking opportunities, fun social events and one that you truly don’t want to miss. Register today!!! Events at www.iizim.co.zw
We close down the year with this august event where people from all sectors of the industry gather to celebrate the milestones achieved in the year. Come and dine with us as we celebrate a successful and fruitful year. This year we are having an exciting theme “BORROWED CULTURE” (dress in the attire of any culture/country)…watch the space!!!
Career Prospects
- Underwritter
- Assessor
- Loss Adjuster
- Broker
- Financial Advisor
- Financial Planner
- Insurance Investigator
- Insurance Sales Agent
- Pensions Administrator
Never underestimate the vital importance of finding early in life the work that for you is play!!!
IIZ specializes in offering excellent professional insurance qualifications. Register Now!!!
Enhancing Excellence In Insurance Practice
- Motivational Mondays
- Catch up Tuesdays
- Wordy Wednesdays
- Tutorial Thursdays
- Educate me Fridays
We also have a discussion forum, feel free to start a discussion and engage with some of the insurance practitioners.
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