Exams & Courses

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The courses offered in the insurance profession cater to individuals at various stages of their careers, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the industry. The Certificate of Proficiency serves as an entry-level qualification, equipping individuals with foundational understanding and licensing eligibility. The Diploma in Insurance is a comprehensive program suitable for professionals across all sectors, deepening their knowledge of insurance principles and practices.

The Associateship qualification is designed for advanced technical knowledge, empowering operational and managerial staff to handle complex insurance operations. Lastly, the Fellowship represents the highest level of professional competency, recognizing exceptional expertise and leadership in the field. Each course offers a distinct level of specialization, allowing individuals to enhance their career prospects and contribute effectively to the insurance profession.

Entry Level Courses

Certificate of Proficiency

The Certificate of Proficiency is an entry-level qualification for licensing insurance professionals. It provides a foundational understanding of insurance principles and regulations, equipping individuals for careers in the insurance industry.

Diploma in Insurance (ALL)

The Diploma in Insurance qualification is designed for professionals across all sectors of the insurance industry. It offers a comprehensive understanding of insurance principles and practices, enhancing career prospects in the field.

Advanced Courses

Associateship (Advanced)

The Associateship qualification focuses on advanced technical knowledge for operational and managerial staff in insurance. It covers topics such as risk assessment, product development, strategic planning, and regulatory compliance.

Fellowship (Highest Level)

The Fellowship qualification represents the highest level of professional competency in insurance. It showcases exceptional expertise and leadership in the field, opening doors to prestigious positions and consulting opportunities.

Entry Level Courses

Certificate of Proficiency

The Certificate of Proficiency is an entry-level qualification for licensing insurance professionals. It provides a foundational understanding of insurance principles and regulations, equipping individuals for careers in the insurance industry.

Diploma in Insurance (ALL)

The Diploma in Insurance qualification is designed for professionals across all sectors of the insurance industry. It offers a comprehensive understanding of insurance principles and practices, enhancing career prospects in the field.

Advanced Courses

Associateship (Advanced)

The Associateship qualification focuses on advanced technical knowledge for operational and managerial staff in insurance. It covers topics such as risk assessment, product development, strategic planning, and regulatory compliance.

Fellowship (Highest Level)

The Fellowship qualification represents the highest level of professional competency in insurance. It showcases exceptional expertise and leadership in the field, opening doors to prestigious positions and consulting opportunities.

Our dedicated exam coordinators ensure fair and efficient exams. They manage logistics, scheduling, and security to create a supportive environment. From registration to accommodations, they handle it all. With their attention to detail and expertise, they guarantee the integrity of the examination process. Have questions or need assistance? Our exam coordinators are here to support you every step of the way.